(1/15) Which statement about updating a reactive array with standard JavaScript array methods in Vue 3 is true?
(2/15) In Vue 3, which file can you typically edit to add global CSS styles (e.g., resetting or main theme) without scoping them to any component?
(3/15) What is the typical difference in how watch() vs. computed() handle reactivity in Vue 3?
(4/15) What happens to watchers created with watch() in Vue 3 if the component is unmounted?
(5/15) Which lifecycle hook in the Composition API triggers after the component is destroyed and removed from the DOM in Vue 3?
(6/15) In Vue 3, which built-in directive might you use if you need to render a list of items from an array or object?
(7/15) What is the role of defineEmits() in a Vue 3 <script setup> block?
(8/15) If you want to manually stop collecting dependencies for a certain reactive effect in Vue 3, which function might you call?
(9/15) How do you define watchers in a Vue 3 Options API component if you only want them to run after the component is first mounted?
(10/15) Why might you choose to use computed properties over methods in a Vue 3 component?
(11/15) What is a common use case for the 'mounted' hook in Vue 3?
(12/15) Which directive might you use if you want to render a block for each item in an array in Vue 3, referencing item.key as the unique key?
(13/15) Which directive can you use to dynamically bind a boolean HTML attribute (e.g., disabled) in a Vue 3 template?
(14/15) In Vue 3, how do you dynamically apply multiple styles to an element based on component data?
(15/15) Which directive in Vue 3 do you use if you want to bind multiple classes conditionally at once, for instance: :class="{ active: isActive, hidden: isHidden }"?