(1/20) In Vue 3, how do you create a global component?

(2/20) How might you handle a scenario where you have a large object in your Vue 3 store, but only certain top-level fields need reactivity?

(3/20) Which statement accurately reflects how watchers created within a composable (Composition API function) are tied to the component’s lifecycle in Vue 3?

(4/20) When might you prefer using Teleport in Vue 3 for UI elements?

(5/20) Which approach is suggested to manage forms across multiple steps (like a wizard) in a Vue 3 project?

(6/20) Which plugin or approach can help you manage typed definitions of store actions, getters, and state when using Pinia in a Vue 3 + TS project?

(7/20) Which statement about watchers referencing multiple route params is true if you do watch([() => route.params.userId, () => route.params.postId], callback) in Vue 3?

(8/20) Which Composition API function in Vue 3 can convert an existing reactive object’s property into a ref pointing to that property?

(9/20) When using Vue Router, what does the 'history' mode do?

(10/20) In a Vue 3 project, which approach is recommended for handling large-scale, app-wide translations (i18n)?

(11/20) How do you define a watch in Vue 3 that re-triggers if either foo.value or bar.value changes, but you want to see old and new values for both in the callback?

(12/20) Which statement about global mixins in Vue 3 is accurate?

(13/20) When using defineComponent in a TypeScript Vue 3 setup, how do you specify the type of the data() return object?

(14/20) Which directive argument syntax in Vue 3 allows you to dynamically set the event name for v-on?

(15/20) In Vue 3, which approach is recommended if you need to store global state but do not want to use Pinia or Vuex?

(16/20) In Vue 3, how do you define the data return of a Composition API setup() when using the Options API style (i.e., not <script setup>) so the template can access it?

(17/20) What is the recommended way to structure a large Vue 3 application with many nested routes?

(18/20) Which approach ensures that attributes like class or style on a child component flow to its root element by default if they are not declared as props?

(19/20) Why might you choose to use the 'shallowRef' or 'shallowReactive' in Vue 3?

(20/20) Which statement best describes a scenario for using shallowRef in Vue 3?