(1/20) Which lifecycle hook in Vue 3 would be the best place to perform an action right after any reactive data has changed but before the DOM is patched?

(2/20) In Vue 3, if you define an async function inside setup() and await on API calls, which lifecycle hook are you effectively delaying?

(3/20) Which method can you use to detect or handle route changes globally (for example, to check authentication) in a Vue 3 + Vue Router app?

(4/20) How can you define 'scrollBehavior' for route transitions in Vue 3 using Vue Router?

(5/20) Which function in the Composition API allows you to run a cleanup function whenever dependencies change or the component unmounts?

(6/20) What is the main benefit of using the Composition API over the Options API in Vue 3?

(7/20) Which approach is recommended for passing large amounts of data between many deeply nested components in Vue 3?

(8/20) What is a key benefit of using the <script setup> syntax in Vue 3 Single File Components?

(9/20) What is the difference between toRefs() and toRef() in Vue 3?

(10/20) Which is a valid reason to use provide/inject in Vue 3 over passing props down multiple levels?

(11/20) How do you define watchers in Vue 3 if you only want to measure layout after certain data changes, ensuring the DOM is updated first?

(12/20) In Vue 3’s Composition API, which function can you use to create a read-only computed ref?

(13/20) Which statement about migrating filters from Vue 2 to Vue 3 is correct?

(14/20) Which feature in Vue 3 Single File Components can help you write your component logic using TypeScript without needing an additional configuration block?

(15/20) If you need to share reactive data between multiple Vue 3 applications on a page, what might be a potential solution?

(16/20) If you want to share reactive data among multiple sibling components without repeatedly passing props or emitting events, which Vue 3 feature can help?

(17/20) How do you create a typed emitter for a Vue 3 component if you are not using <script setup> but still want TypeScript checks?

(18/20) How do watchers in Vue 3 handle concurrency if the user toggles a boolean prop multiple times quickly, referencing an async operation in the child?

(19/20) Which is a correct statement about custom directives in Vue 3?

(20/20) How do you define a custom directive in Vue 3 that changes an element’s background color only when it’s updated, not when first mounted?