(1/20) How do you define a typed prop that can be either string or null, in a Vue 3 SFC with <script setup lang="ts"> using defineProps?
(2/20) Which statement about multiple templates within a single SFC in Vue 3 is correct?
(3/20) What is the best practice for handling third-party libraries that manipulate the DOM in a Vue 3 environment?
(4/20) Which statement about unmounted hooks in Vue 3 is correct?
(5/20) Which approach might you take if you want typed watchers in a Vue 3 SFC using <script setup lang="ts"> for concurrency referencing multiple sources, some of which might be optional?
(6/20) How do you manually stop a watcher created by watch() in Vue 3?
(7/20) Which approach is recommended for large, complex forms in Vue 3 if you want to handle multiple steps or nested sections?
(8/20) What advantage does script setup provide when working with defineProps or defineEmits in Vue 3?
(9/20) Which statement about 'template refs' in Vue 3 using script setup is correct?
(10/20) Which approach is recommended if you want to store user data in a global state but don’t want to install Pinia or Vuex in Vue 3?
(11/20) Which statement about v-if and v-for usage in Vue 3 is recommended to avoid performance issues or unexpected behavior?
(12/20) How do you track route parameters (e.g., /user/:id) within the Composition API so you can watch for changes in Vue 3?
(13/20) When using the Composition API, which function do you use to create a router instance that can be used by your entire Vue 3 application?
(14/20) If you need to do something only once when a <keep-alive>-cached component is used again, which Composition API hook can you use?
(15/20) If you have a child component that needs to define a local directive (only for that component) using the Options API, how do you do it?
(16/20) Which function can be used to map Vuex state to computed properties in a component (assuming Vuex 4 with Vue 3)?
(17/20) When might you prefer flush: 'post' watchers in Vue 3 if you handle concurrency for measuring new DOM elements after data changes?
(18/20) In Vue 3, when you have multiple watchers that depend on the same reactive property, which statement is true?
(19/20) If you need to run some code only after the entire component tree has finished updating in Vue 3, which approach might you use?
(20/20) When migrating from Vue 2 to Vue 3, which step is recommended first?