(1/12) How do you manage route transitions when navigating from one route to another, applying transitions only to <router-view> in Vue 3?

(2/12) Which approach might you use if you want to watch multiple computed properties in one callback in Vue 3, referencing a user’s name and age changes together?

(3/12) How do you apply transitions when using dynamic components with <component :is="currentView" /> in Vue 3?

(4/12) Which statement about watch arrays in Vue 3 is accurate?

(5/12) Which statement about watchers with the 'deep' option is correct in Vue 3?

(6/12) Which statement about watchers in Vue 3 is correct when you watch an array but push new items into it?

(7/12) Why might you prefer using defineAsyncComponent for a large child component rather than importing it synchronously in a Vue 3 application?

(8/12) What is a typical reason to prefer watchEffect over watch in Vue 3?

(9/12) What is the difference between the Options API data() function and the Composition API ref()?

(10/12) What is the main benefit of using dynamic components in Vue 3 via <component :is="...">?

(11/12) Which approach is recommended in Vue 3 for code reuse if you have multiple components that each need to fetch from the same API and share the same logic?

(12/12) What does the 'mode' prop on <transition> (like 'in-out' or 'out-in') do in Vue 3?