(1/25) In a Vue 3 application, how might you manage environment-specific configuration for dev, staging, and production builds?
(2/25) Which directive in Vue 3 can you use to conditionally render multiple elements without adding an extra wrapper node, e.g. <template v-if="condition">?
(3/25) Which directive in Vue 3 might you use if you want to set raw HTML content from a string property, acknowledging XSS risks if the content is untrusted?
(4/25) Which statement about mounting a Vue 3 application is correct?
(5/25) Which built-in method in a Vue Router 4 instance is used to programmatically navigate a step back in the browser’s history?
(6/25) When using the composition API, how do you import the built-in lifecycle hooks like onMounted, onUnmounted, etc.?
(7/25) If you want to register a global directive in Vue 3, how do you typically do it?
(8/25) Which directive in Vue 3 is primarily used to attach a click event handler in the template?
(9/25) Which statement about a 'functional component' in Vue 3 is correct?
(10/25) In Vue 3, if you want to watch route changes in an Options API component (e.g. this.$route), how might you do so?
(11/25) How do you typically define a store using the new Pinia library in Vue 3?
(12/25) If you want to programmatically navigate using Vue Router in a component that uses the Composition API, what do you typically do?
(13/25) Which statement about v-show in Vue 3 is correct regarding how it toggles an element?
(14/25) Which statement about <template> tags in a Vue 3 SFC is correct for grouping multiple elements without adding extra DOM nodes?
(15/25) What is the significance of the 'key' attribute when rendering lists with v-for in Vue 3?
(16/25) When should you prefer using watchEffect() instead of watch() in Vue 3?
(17/25) What is the recommended approach to define an async component in a Vue 3 Single File Component if you don’t want route-based dynamic imports?
(18/25) Which method in Vue 3 Router (vue-router@4) is used to retrieve the current route object in a Composition API component?
(19/25) What is the shorthand for v-bind in Vue?
(20/25) How do you create a watcher in Vue 3 Composition API that must run once immediately (like a watch + immediate: true) and on subsequent changes?
(21/25) Which directive in Vue 3 is responsible for attaching event listeners, typically shortened with '@' in templates?
(22/25) What does the getActiveScope() function (introduced in Vue 3.2) do?
(23/25) In Vue 3, what is a recommended approach to conditionally render multiple elements that share the same logic?
(24/25) In Vue 3, which function can you use to convert each property of a reactive object into its own ref?
(25/25) How do you properly bind class names conditionally in Vue 3 templates?