(1/12) If your Vue 3 app uses <script setup> and you need to watch two different refs in the same callback, how do you accomplish that?
(2/12) How can you define watchers if your code is a library built with defineCustomElement in Vue 3, turning a Vue SFC into a web component?
(3/12) What advantage does the defineCustomElement API provide for Vue 3 developers?
(4/12) If your large Vue 3 application uses multiple entry points or micro-frontends, how might you share a single store across them?
(5/12) Which advanced scenario might you have if you define watchers in a custom createApp extension that tries to manage user session reactivity across multiple sub-apps in Vue 3?
(6/12) Which statement about watchers is correct if you define watchers for concurrency using watchEffect in a large form component in Vue 3?
(7/12) How can you watch the length of a reactive array in Vue 3 without triggering for every item push/splice?
(8/12) When using watchEffect, how do you handle cleanup if the effect triggers multiple times quickly (e.g. for canceling an async request)?
(9/12) Which statement is true if you use watchEffect in a Vue 3 SSR environment for concurrency logic?
(10/12) Which statement about watchers is correct if you define them for concurrency referencing both route.query and a local search field in a single callback in Vue 3?
(11/12) How do watchers behave if you define watch(() => user.address.street, callback) in Vue 3, referencing concurrency logic, and user.address is replaced entirely with a new object?
(12/12) Which statement about watchers referencing shallowReactive objects in Vue 3 is true if you mutate nested properties deeply?