(1/12) In Vue 3, how do you ensure that a watcher for a ref triggers only after the DOM is updated, so you can access updated elements?
(2/12) When might you define watchers for concurrency in a large search form that triggers an API call each time the user changes multiple fields quickly in Vue 3?
(3/12) How can you manage concurrency for SSR data fetching in Vue 3 if multiple async tasks could overlap during a single request lifecycle?
(4/12) Which approach might you use if a Vue 3 app needs to define multiple router instances for distinct parts of the page?
(5/12) When might you consider using a deep watcher (with { deep: true }) in Vue 3?
(6/12) Which is the correct usage of watch() in Vue 3 to watch multiple sources in a single callback?
(7/12) How do you define watchers in a complex Pinia store that uses defineStore with setup syntax, ensuring watchers are only created if certain conditions are met?
(8/12) Which statement about reactivity transform (using $ref, $computed) in Vue 3 is correct?
(9/12) Which advanced approach might you use if you want to integrate a Vue 3 composable in a non-Vue environment, purely for its reactivity logic, while hooking watchers for concurrency in a plain JS context?
(10/12) In <script setup>, how do you define a local directive for the component without registering it globally?
(11/12) Which advanced pattern might you adopt if you want to deep-clone a reactive object for a snapshot in Vue 3, ignoring watchers but preserving a short-term 'frozen' copy of the data?
(12/12) Which statement about the new static hoisting optimization in Vue 3 is correct?