(1/12) How do you define watchers for concurrency in a child that depends on a parent’s provide/inject object that is reactive in Vue 3?

(2/12) If you want to define a plugin that adds a global method on app.config.globalProperties in Vue 3, how do you structure it?

(3/12) How can you define multiple root components in a Vue 3 SPA (Single-Page Application)?

(4/12) What is one difference between using defineExpose() in <script setup> and returning values from a standard setup() function regarding parent access?

(5/12) Which statement about watchers is correct if you create watchers referencing properties from a dev-time reactivity transform ($ref syntax) in Vue 3’s experimental build?

(6/12) How would you typically test a Vue 3 component that uses the Composition API with a popular testing library?

(7/12) How do you define watchers that only run after child components are updated in Vue 3 (the entire sub-tree is patched)?

(8/12) Which approach might you use if you want to create a typed custom renderer in Vue 3 that targets a platform other than the DOM (e.g. a canvas or terminal)?

(9/12) Which statement about watchers is correct if you define them in a custom directive in Vue 3 that manipulates the bound element based on concurrent data changes?

(10/12) Which is the best description of a 'custom element' in Vue 3?

(11/12) Which statement about watchers is correct if you define them for concurrency referencing a computed property that returns a promise in Vue 3?

(12/12) Which statement is correct about implementing your own unmount logic for watchers in an advanced scenario where you do not rely on a standard component context in Vue 3?