(1/15) Which directive in Vue 3 helps you conditionally avoid rendering a block if the condition is false, toggling display: none instead of removing from the DOM?

(2/15) Which Composition API function is specifically designed for performing side effects that do not need an explicit dependency array and run immediately at least once?

(3/15) Which property is used in the Vue 3 router config to define the scrolling behavior, such as returning the user to the top on navigation?

(4/15) Which directive do you use in Vue 3 to assign a variable name to a DOM element so you can reference it in your component code (e.g., in onMounted)?

(5/15) If you want a component to handle custom events, how do you define which events it can emit in Vue 3 using <script setup>?

(6/15) Which library is recommended by the Vue team for state management in newer Vue 3 projects, as an alternative to Vuex?

(7/15) Which attribute in the <style> section of a Single File Component scopes styles only to the current component?

(8/15) Which statement about the difference between 'onBeforeMount' and 'onMounted' is correct in the Vue 3 Composition API?

(9/15) In Vue 3, how do you access refs declared in <script setup> from the template?

(10/15) Which directive do you use to dynamically bind HTML attributes in Vue 3 templates, for example binding src to an image URL?

(11/15) Why might you prefer storing a piece of data as a 'computed(() => something)' rather than 'ref(something)' in Vue 3?

(12/15) In Vue 3, which special function do you call inside a <script setup> to specifically control what is exposed to parent components?

(13/15) When would you prefer using the 'reactive()' function instead of multiple 'ref()' variables in Vue 3?

(14/15) Which statement about <keep-alive> is correct regarding dynamic components in Vue 3?

(15/15) If you want to register a plugin that provides globalProperties or directives to your Vue 3 app, how do you install it?