(1/40) Which approach is recommended to handle frequently changing data in Vue 3 for performance optimization?
(2/40) What is the recommended pattern for adding animations when navigating between routes in Vue 3?
(3/40) If you want the user to see an alert only when they navigate away from a specific route, how might you implement that in Vue 3?
(4/40) How can you detect if a prop has changed in a child component using the Composition API in Vue 3?
(5/40) Which of the following is a correct usage of the watchEffect() function?
(6/40) Which approach is recommended if you want typed usage of route navigation in Vue 3 with TS, e.g., ensuring router.push() only accepts valid route objects?
(7/40) How do you define watchers for a v-model that includes multiple different props in a single child component in Vue 3?
(8/40) How do you define watchers in a composable function if you want typed usage for a numeric property being watched, in a Vue 3 + TS environment?
(9/40) How do you disable attribute inheritance (where non-prop attributes are automatically passed to the root element) in a Vue 3 component using the Options API?
(10/40) When dealing with a large form, how can you minimize re-renders in Vue 3?
(11/40) Which statement about transition modes (e.g., 'out-in' or 'in-out') in Vue 3 is correct?
(12/40) How do you pass a CSS class from a parent to child’s root element without using a specific prop for it in Vue 3?
(13/40) Which Vue 3 lifecycle hook can you use in a <script setup> block to run code only once when the component is activated by keep-alive?
(14/40) Which statement about watchers is correct if you do watch(computedValue, callback) in Vue 3, ignoring all other sources?
(15/40) What is a typical advantage of using Composition API's provide/inject over prop drilling?
(16/40) Which statement accurately describes Teleport’s behavior regarding the parent-child relationship in Vue 3?
(17/40) In Vue 3's Composition API, which approach is recommended to avoid repeating the same logic in multiple watchers or lifecycle hooks across different components?
(18/40) Which statement about global mixins in Vue 3 is correct?
(19/40) How can you create a watcher in Vue 3 that listens to an array of reactive sources and only fires when all have changed?
(20/40) In Vue 3, how do you pass an event handler from a parent to a child via props, so the child can call it when needed?
(21/40) When would you prefer defineAsyncComponent over route-based dynamic imports in Vue 3?
(22/40) How do you define watchers for route query parameters, such as ?page=2, in a Vue 3 setup() function using Composition API?
(23/40) How can you define a custom directive locally inside a Vue 3 component using the Options API?
(24/40) Which Vue 3 feature allows you to organize reusable logic across multiple components?
(25/40) Which statement best explains what defineProps() does in <script setup> with TypeScript?
(26/40) Which approach might you consider if you want a child to handle concurrency watchers for changes in a prop that references an array of items loaded from the parent in Vue 3?
(27/40) Which approach is recommended if you want to define watchers for concurrency in a complex, multi-field search form in Vue 3 that triggers a delayed request?
(28/40) In Vue 3, how do you attach multiple watchers for the same reactive variable from within the same component?
(29/40) When using the Composition API in Vue 3, how do you ensure a certain piece of data remains reactive if you destructure props?
(30/40) How can you define a lazy-loaded child route in Vue Router for a nested path, for example /parent/child, in Vue 3?
(31/40) In Vue 3, what is the recommended way to handle asynchronous operations within the Composition API?
(32/40) Which statement correctly explains how to handle an input field two-way binding in Vue 3 using the Composition API in a child component?
(33/40) Which statement about watchers for route.params in Vue 3 is correct?
(34/40) When you define a Pinia store in Vue 3, how do you access it inside a component that uses the Composition API?
(35/40) What does 'lazy loading' of routes in Vue Router typically involve?
(36/40) Which Vue Router feature allows you to name different sections of a page for multiple router views?
(37/40) If you want to define a nested route in Vue Router 4 for Vue 3, how do you typically specify child routes in the route config?
(38/40) How do watchers in Vue 3 handle concurrency if you define watchEffect(() => { ... async code ... }) instead of watch(...) with oldVal/newVal?
(39/40) How do watchers in a child respond if the parent's v-model changes from 'foo' to 'bar' multiple times in quick succession in Vue 3, referencing concurrency logic?
(40/40) Which statement best describes how to use defineExpose in a <script setup> block?