(1/12) How do you define watchers if you want typed usage for concurrency with a numeric ref in Vue 3 <script setup lang="ts">?
(2/12) In Vue 3, which method is used to remove a previously added route in Vue Router at runtime?
(3/12) How do you track a route param that might be an optional numeric ID but is sometimes undefined, ensuring typed usage in Vue 3 + TS?
(4/12) What is the difference between 'template refs' in Vue 3 and the ref() function from the Composition API?
(5/12) Which best describes how you could add a watch that responds only to changes in route.query.search but not other query params?
(6/12) In Vue 3, if you want to define a component that should not be tracked by Vue’s reactivity system at all, which approach might you use?
(7/12) What is the typical method to handle asynchronous errors in a Vue 3 app if a promise rejects in a child component?
(8/12) Which advanced approach might you use if you need to run an async operation both on the server (onServerPrefetch) and the client (onMounted) in Vue 3, but unify concurrency watchers so the operation does not re-run if SSR data is fresh?
(9/12) In Vue 3, how can you directly set the 'value' of a DOM element with a ref in the script setup?
(10/12) Which approach to testing Vue 3 components is recommended?
(11/12) When using watch(() => route.params, callback), how can you ensure that the callback runs only when route.params.userId changes but not on route.params.tab?
(12/12) Which approach is correct if you need to store authentication tokens in a Vue 3 SPA, while mitigating XSS or CSRF concerns?